The full wrap mug attachment will operate exactly the same as the DK3
mug press. Here are some tips for using the mug attachment:
Only the modular connector needs to be conntected from the mug
attachment to the top control head of the press. The heat platen and
tables can be left on the main frame.
To start the timer, simply drop the handle
of the main frame after closing the handle
of the mug attachment.
Use an extra 1/8” green pad for pressing
narrow diameter cylinders like aluminum
water bottles and smaller undersized
The cap attachment works the same as a
cap press. The only difference is that the
swing-away style Digital Combo press
allows complete access to the cap when
the heat platen is swung out, as opposed to
typical stand-alone clamshell cap presses.
Here are some tips for using the cap
Make sure the cap holddown device is
attached to the bottom pedestal.
Make sure the proper bottom form is used.
If wrinkling/folding of the middle of the
cap occurs, this is a good indication that
the wrong form is being used.
Make sure the lower pedestal is adjusted and slid forward or backward
to line up with the heat platen above.
How to use the Cap Attachment
How to use the Mug Attachment