Service and Maintenance
Replacement of Brake System
The brake system of the vehicle is very
complicated. Many components require
high quality. They must correctly fit to obtain
ideal braking effect. Brake components of
excellent quality are provided for this vehi-
cle, which have undergone the tests. Be
sure to use new approved replacements
when the components of the brake system
need to be replaced. Otherwise, the brakes
may not operate normally. For example, will
the balance between the front brakes and
rear brakes change after brake linings
unsuitable for this vehicle are installed? The
result is certainly even worse. If incorrect
brake replacements are installed, the
expected braking performance may change
in many other ways.
Brake fluid
The brake fluid reservoir should be filled
with DOT4 or HZY4 brake fluid.
There are 2 reasons which can cause the
brake fluid level in the reservoir to drop:
The brake fluid level may drop due to the
normal wear of the brake linings. The level
can return to normal after the new brake lin-
ings are installed.
The brake fluid level may also drop due to
the brake fluid leakage in the brake hydrau-
lic system. At this time, the brake hydraulic
system should be repaired, as the brake
fluid leakage may cause the brakes to lose
normal operation.
The leakage problem cannot be solved by
just adding brake fluid. If the brake fluid is
added when the brake linings are worn, the
brake fluid stored in the reservoir may be
excessive after the new brake linings are
installed. Add or discharge the brake fluid
as necessary only after the repair of the
brake hydraulic system is finished.
The warning light of the brake system turns
on when the brake fluid drops to a lower
If excessive brake fluid is added, it
may spill on the engine. If the engine
is hot, this may cause a fire. You or some-
one else could be burnt and the vehicle
could be damaged. Therefore, do not add
brake fluid before the repair of the brake
hydraulic system is finished.
Use new DOT4 or HZY4 brake fluid in
an unopened container only.
Be sure to clean the reservoir cap or its sur-
rounding area before unscrewing the brake
fluid reservoir cap. This can prevent the dirt
from entering the reservoir.