Chicago Faucets
Handheld Programming Unit User Guide
Page 44
CF2026 / 07/19
Section 7: Troubleshooting the Commander Device
7.8 Fitting Power
My DC unit scans as AC.
When DC units are above 7.5 V, their scan records behave
as AC.
This is normal for Commander. However, this could be an
indication of a short in a power system component.
Refer to fitting troubleshooting at
My AC unit scans as DC.
When AC units are below 7.5 V, their scan records behave
as DC.
This is normal for Commander. However, this could be an
indication of a short in a power system component.
Refer to fitting troubleshooting at
My SSPS unit scans as DC.
This is normal.
My SSPS unit scans as AS.
Defect power cell.
Replace power cell
When I scan the fitting, I don’t see real fitting numbers. I get
some crazy S/N and model information like:
Fitting module has been replaced.
This is normal. The model and serial number are
programmed when fitting is first manufactured.
Use visual inspection cues to assist with identification,
including hose tag. Or contact TecTrue.
Sometimes when I scan my fitting, the fitting locks up.
When voltage is 7.5 < 7.7 V, the module may lock up.
Increase or decrease power out of the given range
Replacement module and check power system
I am used to seeing continuous red light from my fitting
when power is really low (dead), but I don’t see that
Feature included only with HyTronic modules version 1.8 and
below OR E-Tronic modules ver 1.3 and below.
Later versions do not have this indicator. Instead the fitting
goes into “sleep mode” to conserve power, to prevent
rechargeable batteries from going into deep draw
(no longer chargeable).
After I RESET my fitting (ex: pulling and replacing shut off
screw, remove and add power, manual or Commander
RESET), the fitting acts as if power is dead. Scanning is
possible, but solenoid does not actuate.
Even with only “LOW BATTERY” (6x blinks after activation),
any RESET to the fitting causes it to behave as if in “DEAD
BATTERY” situation, i.e. possible scanning, but no valve
Set power to proper level ASAP.
Always check power first before resetting if low power
situation is suspected.