PACSystems* RX3i PROFINET Controller Command Line Interface Manual
– July 2011
Non-Global Command
This command enables or disables port monitoring. Port monitoring allows a port to monitor
network activity on other ports, and is useful when using network sniffer tools to check network
bus activity and diagnose connection problems. Entering
no monport
disables port monitoring.
Each command completely overwrites any previous monport settings. The current monitor state
of the ports can be viewed using this command. In addition, the “MonitoredBy” column in the
output of the
show port
command provides the monitor state information.
monport Command Format
[no] monport <monitorPort> < <portToMonitor> [<portToMonitor>] [<portToMonitor>]
Species the port to monitor (or mirror) all traffic that is sent or received on
selected other ports. Valid values are 1, 2, 3 or 4. The value must not be
the same as any of the <portToMonitor> values in the same command
string. If the specified port is not available, the command returns an error.
< portToMonitor >
Specifies one of the ports for the monitor port to monitor. Valid values are
1, 2, 3, 4, or “int” (which represents the
internal Ethernet port). The value
must not be the same as any
or any other
values within the same command string.
Displaying Monitor Port Status
Screen Display
device-name= monport
<<< Monitor Port Status >>>
Port MonitoredBy
------ ----------
1(Ext) NA
2(Ext) NA
3(Ext) NA
4(Ext) NA
5(Int) NA