Chapter 2 Monitor Level Commands
Response to an Invalid Command Sequence with Retries Enabled
This example shows the response to an invalid command sequence when retries is enabled.
The illegal command line is re-displayed and the cursor points to the location of the error.
Screen Display
device-name> shConfig paging invalidCmd
Error: Too many parameters
Syntax: paging
device-name> shConfig paging invalidCmd
Response to an Invalid Command Sequence with Retries Disabled
This example shows the response to an invalid command sequence when retries is disabled. In
this case, the illegal command line is not re-displayed and the cursor is not pointing to the
location of the error.
1. Disable retries.
Screen Display
device-name> shConfig no retries
Terminal Type: ANSI
Screen width : 80
Screen height: 24
Hard wrap : On
Paging On
Retries Off
2. Enter an invalid command.
Screen Display
device-name> shConfig paging invalidCmd
Error: Too many parameters
Syntax: paging