show port
PACSystems* RX3iPROFINET Controller Command Line Interface Manual
– July 2011
Displaying Status and Details for a Specific Port
The following example shows counters and status details for port 3.
Screen Display
> show port 3
01-JAN-2000 05:44:17.0000
<<< Port Status Details>>>
Port State DataRate Mode SwitchState SwchOvrd MonitoredBy
------ ----- --------- ----------- ----------- -------- ----------
3(Ext) UP 1000Mbps Full duplex LEARNING None
Port Counters:
InGdOcLo=00012E8FH InGdOcHi=00000000H InBdOcts=00000000H OutFCSEr=00000000H
InUnicst=00000006H Deferred=00000000H InBrdcst=00000003H InMltcst=00000291H
Octets64=00000002H Octet127=00000581H Octet255=00000000H Octet511=00000000H
Octe1023=00000000H OctetMax=00000000H OuOcteLo=00013479H OuOcteHi=00000000H
OuUncsts=00000005H Excessiv=00000000H OuMltcst=0000028FH OuBrdcst=00000055H
Single =00000000H OutPause=00000000H InPause =00000000H Multiple=00000000H
Undersze=00000000H Fragmnts=00000000H Oversize=00000000H Jabber =00000000H
InMCRvEr=00000000H InFCSErr=00000000H Collisns=00000000H Late =00000000H
[Additional output not shown here.]
Displaying Status and Details for a Specific SFP
The following example shows counters and status details for port 3.
Screen Display
> show port sfp 3
01-JAN-2000 05:44:17.0000
<<< SFP Info >>>
Pt SFP Type Vendor Name Vendor Part No. Description
-- ------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------------------
03 1000BASE-T FINISAR CORP. FCLF-8521-3 Copper 1Gbit Enet
Vendor Revision: A
Vendor Serial Number: A000000
Date Code: 010725
SFP EEPROM Contents:
Id Ex Cn Transceiver En BR NA Lk L9 L5 L6 LC NA VendorName->
-- -- -- ----------------------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------------
03 04 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 01 0C 00 00 00 00 00 64 00 46 49 4E 49
00 17
VendorName(cont) NA VendrOUI VendorPartNumber ->
----------------------------------- -- -------- ------------------------
[Additional output not shown here.]
Note that when SFP details are displayed, the Vendor Specific and Reserved Fields are not
shown if there is no data from the device or all the data is set to 0.