show rdnMedia
PACSystems* RX3iPROFINET Controller Command Line Interface Manual
– July 2011
show rdnMedia
Global Command
This command displays media redundancy status and counters.
Status includes:
Role (MRM, MRC, Disabled)
Ethernet ports used in ring
Ring status closed/open (MRM only)·
Redundant Media Counters includes:
Count of the number of times a break has been detected/repaired since powerup/restart
(MRM only)
show rdnMedia Command Format
show rdnmedia
The following example displays Media Redundancy status for a device that is a Media
Redundancy Manager (MRM).
Screen Display
device-name> show rdnMedia
01-JAN-2000 05:44:17.0000
<<< Media Redundancy Status >>>
Role: Manager (MRM)
Ring Ports: 1 and 2
Ring Status: Closed
<<< Media Redundancy Counters >>>
Break Detected/Repaired: 00000001H
The Role field can contain the following values:
Client (MRC)
Module is operating as a Media Redundancy Client.
Manager (MRM)
Module is operating as a Media Redundancy Manager.
Module is operating with Media Redundancy disabled.
The Ring Status field can contain the following values:
Module operating as Media Redundancy Manager and the network ring is
currently OK (ring not broken).
Module operating as Media Redundancy Manager and the network ring is
currently broken.
Module is operating either as Media Redundancy Client or with Media
Redundancy disabled.