Chapter A
A 9.2
Downloading the configuration and parameter data record
following power up
The entire configuration and parameterization can be created offline with VersaConf
Safety. A fully installed system is not required until the download stage. Communication
must be running when transmitting the data record.
A 10 Safe state
The safe state
– For safe output devices, the safe state is the power off state at the affected output
– For safe input devices, the safe state is the transmission of the "safe state value" ("0")
in the image of the affected inputs to the safe standard control system
– For transmission on the bus, the safe state is the transmission of the value "0"
The safe state can be a normal operating state or is set if a corresponding error has been
WARNING: Loss of safety function
Before downloading a data record, check whether the current data record is actually
Make sure that you do not overwrite the data record on the IC220SDL953 with an old data
record. Information about a data record is provided in the project header.
During startup, do not configure a delete service for a configuration and parameter data
record. Before overwriting a data record, always read back the project header first.
Make sure that you are sending the correct data record to the correct IC220SDL953. If a
data record is sent to a IC220SDL953 for which it was not intended, an error message is
displayed in the diagnostic register of the IC220SDL953.
Function blocks can be downloaded for selected controllers.