appID (GoID), provided the value of GSESettings element's element attribute appID is other than "Fix"
setSrcCB (including those for the LGOS logical nodes)
Where the ICD file contains a GSEControl element with no datSet element attribute, a datSet attribute can be added to the
GSEControl element and a like-named DataSet element added to the LN0 element. The data set name can be any name
that conforms to the standard and is unique within its containing logical node. The contents of the DataSet elements used
for GOOSE can be replaced with any number of FCDA elements up to the number that the IED is capable of.
Where "true" is the value of the element attribute goose in a ClientServices element that is contained in a Services element
that is contained in an AccessPoint element, the GSE elements in the ConnectedAP element corresponding to that
AccessPoint element can be replaced with new GSE elements up to the limit imposed by the max element attributes in the
GOOSE elements corresponding to that ConnectedAP. The replacement GSE elements are to conform to the same rules as
given previously for GSE elements in ICD files.
In addition to the ConnectedAP elements derived from an ICD or IID file from the target IED, one ConnectedAP element for
each IED the target IED subscribes GOOSE messages from is to be added to each Subnetwork element on which GOOSE
messages from that IED are to be received. Each of these ConnectedAP elements is to contain a GSE element for each
GOOSE message subscribed to that is identical to the GSE element for that GOOSE message in the publishing IED's CID file.
In addition to the IED element derived from an ICD or IID file from the target IED, the CID also contains one IED element for
each IED that the target IED receives a GOOSE message from. These other IED elements are to be identical to the IED
element in the publishing IED's CID file, except that the following elements and their content can be omitted:
Services elements
AccessPoint elements that do not contain a Server element
SMVSecurity elements
Association elements
AccessControl elements
Elements contained within LN0 elements other than GSEControl and DataSet elements
GSEControl elements other than those for GOOSE messages subscribed to
DataSet elements not referenced by any remaining GSEControl element
LN elements not referenced by any remaining FCDA element
LDevice elements that do not contain any remaining GSEControl or LN element
Elements contained within LN elements
Private elements
In addition to the DataTypeTemplates element content of an ICD or IID file from the target IED, the CID also is to contain the
DataTypeTemplates element content of the CID files the target IED subscribes GOOSE messages from that is referenced by
elements copied from those CID files.
A device receiving a CID file can determine which of the IED elements contains its configuration by finding an Address
element that is an immediate child of a ConnectedAP element and that contains the MAC address of the receiving IED. The
name element attribute of the target IED element has the same value as the iedName element attribute of this
ConnectedAP element.
The CID file can contain additional elements unrelated to GOOSE subscription by the target IED. The CID file can even be
the entire SCD file with only the id element attribute of the Header element changed, although this results in a larger file
than necessary.
The relay makes available for upload the last CID file accepted exactly as received. Setting changes since the CID file was
accepted are not reflected in the uploaded file in either the Private or Public sections.