Hi Byte =Year, Low Byte = Month
Hi Byte = Day, Low Byte = Hour
Hi Byte = Minute, Low Byte = Second
Table 26: Real Time Clock Time Format
Real-time Clock Year, Month (0x32)
This is used to read/write the real time clock. The high byte will be the year minus 2000. The
low byte will be a value from 1 to 12. To get or set real time, read or write year/month
(0x00B3) first, then day/hour (0x00B4), then min/sec (0x00B5).
Real-time Clock Day, Hour (0x33)
This is used to read/write the real time clock. The high byte will be the day of the month from 1
to 31. The low byte will be the hour from 0 to 23. To get or set real time, read or write
year/month (0x00B3) first, then day/hour (0x00B4), then min/sec (0x00B5).
Real-time Clock Minute, Second (0x34)
This is used to read/write the real time clock. The high byte will be the minute from 0 to 59 and
the low byte will be the seconds from 0 to 59. To get or set real time, read or write year/month
(0x00B3) first, then day/hour (0x00B4), then min/sec (0x00B5).
Power Cycle Flag (0x35)
This reads whether the time of day clock has been reset after power has been re-cycled to the
unit. If the time has been reset, this flag will be = 0; otherwise the flag will = 1.
Event Index (0x36)
This is used to indicate which of the stored events the user would like to read. There are 5
event logs: Warning events, Alarm events, Fault events, Calibration events and Maintenance
events. Each of these event logs consist of 10 of their most recent occurrences. The user is
able to read the logs of each of these by setting this event index followed by a reading of the
desired event log. The event index is a number from 0 to 9. Zero refers to the most recent
event and 9 refers to the least recent event stored in the log. For example to read time of the
most recent Warning event in the Warning event log, set this register to 0 and then read
registers 0xB8 and 0xB9 (for the running time in seconds) or read registers 0xBA, 0xBB, and
0xBC (for the clock time).
Reserved (0x37 - 3E )
Alarm Running Time in Seconds, Hi Word (0x3F)
This register reads the high word of the running time in seconds when the alarm event
occurred. This time is in seconds since January 1, 2000.
Alarm Running Time in Seconds, Low Word (0x40)
This register reads the low word of the running time in seconds when the alarm event
occurred. This time is in seconds since January 1, 2000.
Alarm Clock Time: Year, Month (0x41) Alarm Structure Hi
These registers are described in Table 27 as item number 1.