4.5.17. Address (Channel Two)
Activating the MENU switch sixteen times will display the Channel 2 current Address of the Modbus
(Factory setting is 001). Activating the UP switch (
) will increment the address and activating the
DOWN switch (
) will decrement the address the range is 1 to 247. Activating the ENTER switch
having changes made, will flash. “SAVE” on the display. Confirm the SAVE action by activating the
ENTER switch once more. Activating the MENU switch while “SAVE” is flashing, will discard the SAVE
and switch the unit back to normal operation. If ENTER is activated the unit will display “DONE” to
confirm that the changes have been saved and return to Normal operation. More info for Modbus
protocol is available in Section 6. If no switch is activated for 60 seconds the detector will return to
normal operation without saving the changed settings.
Activating the MENU fifteen times will switch the unit to normal operation.
4.5.18. Loop Test ON/OFF (LTON/LTOF)
Activating the DOWN switch for 3 seconds will turn on (LTON) the Loop Test function for the Observer-i
(in Enhanced Mode only). The loop test communicates to the Observer-i that the 1701 Test and
Calibration unit will be used to test the detector while in Enhanced Mode. The ANN needs to be told
that this is a test in order for the 1701 to perform its test function. The unit reverts back to the default of
LTOF after 5 minutes. The purpose of this is to permit the 1701 when in “Step Test and Delay Test” to
activate the Observer-i.