Alarm Clock Time: Day, Hour (0x42) Alarm Structure Mid
These registers are described in Table 27
as item number 2.
Alarm Clock Time: Minute, Seconds (0x43) Alarm Structure Low
These registers are described in Table 27
as item number 3.
Alarm Detection Type and Peak dB during alarm (0x44)
The High byte indicates the Detection type at alarm and the low byte is a peak dB during the
Alarm Event Detection
Value in Hex
By Classic Mode
By Enhanced Mode
Spare (0x45)
Spare register.
Total Alarm Event Counter (0x46)
This reads the total number of alarm events that have been stored in the unit.
Fault Running Time in Seconds, Hi Word (0x47)
This register reads the high word of the running time in seconds when the fault event occurred.
This time is in seconds since January 1, 2000.
Fault Running Time in Seconds, Low Word (0x48)
This register reads the low word of the running time in seconds when the fault event occurred.
This time is in seconds since January 1, 2000.
Fault Clock Time: Year, Month (0x49) Fault Structure Hi
These registers are described in Table 27 as item number 1.
Fault Clock Time: Day, Hour (0x4A) Fault Structure Mid
These registers are described in Table 27
as item number 2.
Fault Clock Time: Minute, Seconds (0x4B) Fault Structure Low
These registers are described in Table 27
as item number 3.
Fault Code (0x4C) Fault Cause
This register is described in Table 27.
Spare (0x4D)
Spare register.
Total Fault Event Counter (0x4E)
This reads the total number of fault events that have been stored in the unit.
Maintenance Running Time in Seconds, Hi Word (0x4F)
This register reads the high word of the running time in seconds when the gas check event
occurred. This time is in seconds since January 1, 2000.