Part #: GAR_IOM_ 4532522 Rev 08—6/17
Section 3
5. A save window will
appears indicating
that is saved.
6. Language selection completed. System will go back
to settings.
Use the World icon for
a Language selection
short cut
This setting will give the option to control grill temperature,
clean frequency and clean time during the process of
cleaning. Computer will manage your cleaning schedule
1. Select
2. Enter
and press return.
3. Use down arrow
to scroll to “CLEAN
START button.
4. Select an option,
numeric pad will
appear, enter new
CLEAN GRILL – this option will confi gure the lower
grill, you can set up temperature from 150F to 450F or
turn off this option by typing 32 on the numeric pad.
Factory default is 3250F.
CLEAN PLATEN – this option will confi gure the upper
grill, you can set up temperature from 150F to 450F or
turn off this option by typing 32 on the numeric pad.
Factory default is 3250F.
CLEAN FREQUENCY – this option will confi gure
the cooking cycle you permit between clean time,
computer will automatically detects when is time to
clean your grill. ex: 10 CK CYC will automacatically tell
you after 10 cooking cycle that CLEANING REQUIRED.
CLEAN MIN TIME – this option will set the time of
cleaning, could be from 1 to 15 minute time.
CLEAN GRACE PERIOD – this option will set the
computer automatically to count the cooking cycle
after clean frequency cycles completed, when clean
grace period count is completed the computer will
force the grill to CLEANING REQUIRED as only option.
Clean grace period calibration is by cook cycle from 0
to 1000.
CLEAN PROMPT FREQ – this option will set the
computer to automatically detects when is time to
clean. Calibration Cook Cycle from 0 to 1000
CLEAN SETPOINT TOLERANCE – this option will set the
temperature setpoint tolerance. Temperature can be
calibrate from 50F to 500F
CLEAN READY ALARM – this option will set the alarm
5. A window will
appears indicating
that is saved.
6. Clean settings completed. System will go back to