The PP600 is set up using the push buttons and display on the front of the unit.
The set up is non-volatile, so the PP600 will resume the same operation after a
power cycle.
On power up, the PP600 will display “” to test the display is working,
then “PP6”, followed by the version number, eg “017”, and then will be ready
for operation. To show that the unit is operating normally, an alternating
pattern is drawn on the display.
Cold Start
In the unlikely event that the non-volatile memory becomes corrupt the PP600
may not start up properly. In this case the memory can be cleared by powering
up the PP600 while holding down the SELECT and DOWN buttons. The
PP600 will display “COLD” for about 10 seconds while the memory is cleared.
Set Up
Each channel of the PP600 can operate in three ways:
Continuous output
The output current is fixed.
Selected continuous output
One or both inputs can be used to select an output current. For each state
of the inputs, the output current is fixed.
Pulsed output
The output is normally off. When a trigger occurs, there is an optional
delay, then the output is pulsed for a specified time. A trigger is a leading
edge on an input signal, that is a transition from 0V to 5V on the input.
On the PP600F range, output 1 can only be triggered from INPUT1 and
output 2 can only be triggered from INPUT2.
Each output operates asynchronously. For example, one output can be pulsing
while the other has a different output current selected.
Continuous Output and Selected Continuous Output
In mode “CON” the output current is fixed and continuous.