Getting Started
Read the sections on Safety and Specifications and check the PP600F fulfils
your requirements. Gardasoft Vision also produce the PP101, an eight channel
current controller with computer control.
Connect the PP600F up to a supply and an LED lighting unit as described in
“Connections.” Note that the supply voltage must be connected to three
terminals. When the PP600F powers up it should show two alternating lines on
the display to indicate that it is operating properly.
Read the section on “Operation” and use the Simple Set Up to make the
PP600F supply a small continuous current to the LED unit. Check that the LED
unit illuminates.
Users who have a PP610F or PP612 should refer to the PP610F section and
read how to send RS232 commands.
Mount the PP600F as described in “Mechanical Fixing” using a DIN rail or the
mounting holes. In particular read the notes on heatsinking.
Set up the PP600F for the desired operation and test.
See the appendix on Application Notes for additional information on the use of
the PP600F. Visit www.gardasoft.com for more Application Notes.
Throughout this manual, references to the PP600 refer to all variants in the
PP600F range unless otherwise stated. The symbol “us” is used to denote
Differences From PP600 Range
Please note that the PP600F range has the following differences from the
PP600 range:
Faster, more repeatable pulse widths
Pulsing output channel 1 can only be triggered from INPUT1
Pulsing output channel 2 can only be triggered from INPUT2
Pulse widths and delays are a maximum of 9.9ms
When setting up pulsing using the buttons, the output current is set before
the pulse delay.