ADP 4100 Printer
Loading Ticket Stock
Take caution when opening the left side door. Refer to “Installation”
section for details on how the left side door opens and the space
To prevent personal injury, do not wear loose clothing or jewelry and
do not stick fingers into transport mechanism when loading ticket
stock. The transport mechanism contains moving parts.
To load ticket stock, follow these steps:
: Read the entire procedure before loading ticket stock.
1. Verify the power switch is in the
(ON) position.
2. Unlock the door on the left side of the Unit and swing it open.
3. Rotate the ticket stock box until the arrows on the side of the box
point up.
4. Remove the box top (see the figure on the next page for an
example of ticket stock loading).
: The example shown on the next page is a standard ARC
box design. Ticket stock box nomenclature varies from stock
supplier and controlling agencies. Check with the ticket stock
supplier for details.
5. Place the box(s) into the selected bin locations with the printable
side of the first ticket facing down, and the magnetic stripe (if
applicable) on the back of the ticket against the inner wall.
: The printable side of direct thermal stock has a heat
sensitive coating. Although it is obvious which side of ATB ticket
stock is the printable side, it may not be as easy to determine on
blank itinerary stock.
6. To determine which side of the direct thermal stock is the printable
side, rub your fingernail or a hard object across the surface of the
ticket. The printable side will show a dark mark and the non-
printable side will not.
ADP 4100 Printer
Installation and Operators Manual
, April 2007