m_nController = 1
m_nRetCode = DMCOpen(m_nController, 0, m_hDmc)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
m_nRetCode = DMCClose(m_hDmc)
End Sub
‘m_nController’ is the number for the controller in the Galil registry.
‘m_hDmc’ is the DMC handle used to identify the controller. It is returned by DMCOpen.
‘m_nRetCode’ is the return code for the routine.
‘m_nResponseLength’ is the response string length which must be set to the size of the response
‘m_sResponse’ is the string containing the controller response to the command.
DOS, Linux, and QNX tools
Galil offers unsupported code examples that demonstrate communications to the controller using
the following operating systems.
DOS based utilities & Programming Libraries for Galil controllers, which includes a terminal,
utilities to upload and download programs, and source code for BASIC and C programs.
Download DMCDOS at
Galil has developed code examples for the Linux operating system. The installation includes sample drivers to
establish communication with Galil PCI and ISA controllers. The current version of the software has been tested
under Redhat 6.X O.S. Source code for the drivers and other utilities developed for Linux are available to customers
upon request. Linux drivers are available for ISA and PCI cards under Kernal 2.2. Drivers are also available for the
PCI card only for Kernal 2.4.
For more information on downloading and installing the Linux drivers for Galil controllers, download the Linux
manual at:
Galil offers sample drivers for ISA and PCI cards for the QNX 4.24 operating system. We also
offer drivers and utilities for QNX 6.2 for PCI only. Download at
Chapter 4 - Software Tools and Communications