CHAPTER 2 PRIMEPOWER650 Rack-mount Type (8U) Server
Units: mm (in.)
Service areas
Units: mm (in.)
Note 3: In model names, x is any letter from A to Z. And y is any letter from A to Z
or any digit from 0 to 9.
Note 6: The rack-mount server width does not include mounting brackets.
Note 7: Keep the pull-out area clear so that devices inside the rack can be pulled out
from the rack for maintenance.
Note 8: This length depends on the rack to be installed. Check the specifications of
the rack.
Note 9: The side service areas are not required if a passage space of about 800
millimeters (31.5 inches) can be ensured on both sides of the rack.
Table 2.5 Installation specifications of the PRIMEPOWER650 rack-mount type
(8U) server (3/3)
(Model name: PW0RCRyyyx,
PW0RDRyyyx, PW0RFRyyyx,
PW0RGRyyyx) (Note 3)
(Model name: PW0R0CR1x,
PW0R0CR6x, PW0R0DR1x,
PW0R0DR6x, PW0R0AR2x,