Installation (cont.)
IO Slave
(5) Digital Input
Switch Output Wire is connected to Digital Input 1 screw terminal # 1 or Digital In-
put 2 screw terminal # 2 on the terminal block of the IO Slave.
Switch Ground Wire is connected to Ground screw terminal # 3, 9 or 12 on the ter-
minal block of the IO Slave.
If the Switch Ground Wire is not returned to the IO Slave, the potential difference
between the IO Slave Ground and the Dry Contact Closure (Switch) Ground should
not exceed 1 Volt.
In the case of a 3 wire digital transducer, set up similarly to the 1-5V analog sensor,
except with the signal wire connected to a Digital Input.
(6) Digital Output
Digital Output is an open drain field effect transistor connected to Ground. It con-
nects to Ground when zero volts is connected to the controlling Master Digital Input.
The current rating for Digital Output is 2 amps or less. The Digital Output will self-
protect if a current of more than 2 1/2 amps is drawn and automatically retry at .16
second intervals.
If power on the Solenoid (end device) is not driven from the same power supply as
the IO Slave, that source must be equal to or less than the IO Slave power supply
Within the IO Slave, a 3 amp rated Schottky Diode is connected from each
Digital Output to the radio power supply terminal for clamping the Solenoid fly back
If the relay supply voltage exceeded the radio supply voltage, then current
would flow through that diode back to the radio, preventing coil current from shut-
ting off and potentially causing an overvoltage condition.
Typical set up of Digital Output wiring between Solenoid and IO Slave:
Output 1
Solar Panel/
Terminal Block of IO Slave
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