FGRIO Master
(9) IO Settings Tab-
(Figure 16). This tab allows the user to map the inputs of the IO-Slave to
the outputs of the FGRIO-Master.
Enable FGRIO–
To turn on the IO functionality in the FGRIO-M, the “Enable FGRIO”
drop down box must be set to enabled.
In the IO Settings tab of the FGRIO-M, the FGRIO-M outputs are mapped to the
IO-Slave inputs. To map, select the appropriate Slave input from the drop down box next to
the master’s output.
The slaves are labeled by their position in the masters Call Book. E.g. Slave 0 refers to
the serial number in entry to call 0.
Set Up with Tool Suite (cont.)
Figure 15
5) MultiPoint Parameters Tab (cont.)
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