(3) 1-5 Volt Sensor, Analog Input 3 or Analog Input 4
With FGRIO-S firmware 2.65IO or FGR2-IOS firmware 9.7, and FGRIO-M firmware 2.65, the
Digital Inputs (DIs) of the FGRIO-S or FGR2-IOS may be digitized to 10 bit resolution and
mapped to Analog Outputs (AOs) on the FRGIO-M. This allows up to 4 analog transducers to
be connected to a single remote FGRIO-S or FGR2-IOS radio.
A. Signal Levels and Accuracy.
The existing AIs at screw terminal #8 and screw terminal #10 are usable with .1V to 5.625V in-
put voltages (compatible with most 1-5V and 4-20mA transmitters) and load the input with
about 100Kohm to GND. They also offer accuracy of +/-.1% with 16 bit resolution and are
therefore recommended for the most critical variables in a system.
In comparison, the new AIs formed from the DIs at screw terminal #1 and screw terminal #2 are
directly usable with signals only from .1V to 2.812V in wire replacement mode. Input loading
can be selected as 10Kohm to GND or unloaded (>1Megohm). Accuracy is /-.25% and
resolution is 10 bits. The next section describes methods to best apply inputs to them.
11-B+ IN
10-Analog Input 2
8-Analog Input 1
7-VSNS/Analog Out 1
6-Analog Output 2*
5-Digital Output 2
4-Digital Output 1
2-Digital Input 2
Analog Input 4*
1-Digital Input 1
Analog Input 3*
Sensor #1
Sensor #2
High W
Low Wire
High Wire
Low Wire
Resistor for
Sensor # 1
Resistor for
Sensor # 2
Figure 22
Installation (cont.)
FGR2-IOS Wiring diagram
*Analog Output 2 is not available in the IO Wire Replacement mode. Analog inputs 3 and
4 are 0-3.3VDC inputs. See wiring diagrams on pages 29-31 for details.
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