Freecom Storage Gateway (FSG)
3.8.5 Network
Open Information -> Network.
Both LAN and WAN (internet) Network information is found here for the FSG. If you need
the IP address of the FSG, please look for it here.
WAN Port:
Shows the active status
Hardware Address
Shows the MAC address or physical address of the port
IP Address
Your outside FSG (WAN) internet IP address assigned by your ISP
Broadcast Address
This address is used to ask all computers on a subnet at once
Subnet Mask
This is the subnet mask gotten from your ISP
Cable Attached
This shows if the cable is attached or not
LAN Port:
Hardware Address
Shows the MAC address or physical address of the port
IP Address
Your FSG (LAN) internet IP address
Broadcast Address
This address is used to ask all computers on a subnet at once
Subnet Mask
This is the subnet mask you setup for your network
DNS servers:
Displays a list of DNS servers assigned to you by your provider.