2. An input screen opens where your can type in the Fetchmail information.
3. Enter your details for the e-mail account that Fetchmail checks for new e-mails.
Mail account:
E-mail address that is checked for new e-mails.
POP/IMAP server:
The server address of the e-mail server (POP3 or IMAP)
Account password:
Password for e-mail account
Retype Account password:
Re-enter the e-mail account password.
Forward to local user:
FSG user who will receive the e-mails.
4. Under 'Choose Protocol', you need to select a protocol: POP3 or IMAP.
Note: Freemail providers generally use the POP3 protocol.
5. To leave the e-mails on the mail server after retrieving them, enable 'Keep mail on
remove server after fetching it'.
Setting up an FSG Mail Server