Freecom Storage Gateway (FSG)
3.2 Administration
3.2.1 Users
Go to Administration -> Users.
You can manage access privileges to the FSG by creating new users.
When you click 'New', a dialog box appears on the screen where you can add new users.
- Enter a username and password.
- Confirm the password.
- In the 'User disk quota' field, you can limit the storage space for each user. For
instance, enter '50' (50 GB) or 50m (50 MB) as the limit. If you enter '0', the user is
given unlimited space on the FSG.
Note: The allocated space only includes files personally added by the user
and not those entered by others. If, for instance, the administrator writes
data to the user's folder, this does not count towards the user's total
- To grant the user read-only access, click 'User has read-only access onto the FTP
server'. If this field is not enabled, the user has read and write access.