Freecom Storage Gateway (FSG)
enable WEP encryption
The Wired Equivalent Privacy, or WEP encryption for short,
enables you to protect your FSG connection against
unintended access. The WEP key has to be either 10 or 26
characters in length and use the hexadecimal format.
Characters permitted: 0123456789ABCDEF. Please write
down the code you have entered. This needs to be en-
tered on all of the devices that access your FSG. An exam-
ple of a 10-character code: FF37AC99B1
Do not use the code provided above.
You should only use WEP if your terminal device does not
support WPA encryption as the WEP standard is out-of-
date and not secure.
enable WPA encryption
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is an encrypted connection
type that protects your network against unintended ac-
cess. If you intend to use WAP, you will need to create an
authorization key used by the devices to log on to your
FSG. Please make a note of the key.
We highly recommend using WAP encryption.
You need to enter an authorization key in this window if
the 'WAP encryption' option is enabled. This is used by the
devices to log on to your FSG via WLAN. PSF, short for
PreShared Key, is a WEP protocol extension. The key should
contain no less than 8 and no more than 63 characters.