the latest version for your particular device
. You are welcome to contact FOXPRO technical
support for assistance in this matter.
Product Care & Maintenance
In order to help get years of trouble free service with your FOXPRO game call, it is strongly
recommended that you read and understand the following points. Many of these are
considered proactive or preventative.
Disconnect your power source for extended periods of inactivity!
Keep it clean!
Our products are designed to be used outdoors and as a result, they can get dirty
from time to time. While the dirt may add a bit of character and show that you use it frequently
and hard, it is recommended that you spend a few moments after each hunt or at the end of
the season prior to storage to clean it up a bit. Total disassembly won’t be required, just remove
any debris, sticks, leaves, dirt, or anything else that shouldn’t be there. If dirt or foreign objects
make their way into the machine, it can cause problems down the road.
Store in a dry location!
If you are planning on storing the unit away for the summer, it is
recommended to keep the unit in a dry location that is not prone to drawing moisture. It is also
recommended to remove the Truck Pro speakers from your vehicle during periods of extended
inactivity to prevent exposure to the elements. Remember, the speakers are not waterproof,
even with the protective neoprene covers in place and that water damage is not covered under
warranty terms.
Check it out before heading into the field!
If you are getting your caller out for the first time
this season, take it and try it before you head out on a hunt. Check your remote range, fidelity,
high volume, low volume, etc. Being prepared and ensuring proper functionality before heading
out on a trip can help you decide if you need new batteries, if it needs service, or if everything is
working well. This can help prevent cancellation of trips and potential disappointment.
This section will cover the troubleshooting aspects for the Truck Pro and Truck Pro remote
Truck Pro will Not Turn On
If you are using a FOXPRO supplied power cable, check the
fuse. If it is blown, replace with a new 5A inline fuse.
Make sure that the cables are properly and securely
connected. Make sure that the battery you are connected
to is healthy. Verify that the vehicle power jack is supplied
with 12V.