Automatic Scope Measurements
Edge Trigger
Screen Update ........................................................ Free Run, On Trigger, Single Shot
Source ..................................................................... A, B, C, D, EXT (190-xx2)
Slope ....................................................................... Positive, Negative, Dual
Trigger Level Control Range ...................................
4 divisions
Trigger Sensitivity
DC to 5 MHz at >5 mV/div ................................... 0.5 division
DC to 5 MHz at 2 mV/div
and 5 mV/div ....................................................... 1 division
500 MHz (Fluke 190-50x) .................................... 1 division
200 MHz (Fluke 190-2xx) .................................... 1 division
100 MHz (Fluke 190-1xx) .................................... 1 division
60 MHz (Fluke 190-062)...................................... 1 division
Isolated External Trigger (190-xx2)
Bandwidth ................................................................ 10 kHz
Modes ...................................................................... Automatic, Edge
Trigger Levels (DC to 10 kHz) ................................. 120 mV, 1.2 V
Video Trigger
Standards ................................................................ PAL, PAL+, NTSC, SECAM, Non-interlaced
Modes ...................................................................... Lines, Line Select, Field 1 or Field 2
Source ..................................................................... A
Polarity .................................................................... Positive, Negative
Sensitivity ................................................................ 0.7 division sync level
Pulse Width Trigger
Screen Update ........................................................ On Trigger, Single Shot
Trigger Conditions ................................................... <T, >T, =T (
10 %),
10 %)
Source ..................................................................... A
Polarity .................................................................... Positive or negative pulse
Pulse Time Adjustment Range ................................ 0.01 div. to 655 div.
with a minimum of 300 ns (<T, >T) or 500 ns (=T,
T), a maximum of
10 s, and a resolution of 0.01 div. with a minimum of 50 ns
Continuous Auto Set
Autoranging attenuators and time base, automatic Connect-and-View
triggering with automatic source selection.
Normal ................................................................. 15 Hz to max. bandwidth
Low Frequency .................................................... 1 Hz to max. bandwidth
Minimum Amplitude A, B, C, D
DC to 1 MHz ........................................................ 10 mV
1 MHz to max. bandwidth .................................... 20 mV
Automatic Capturing Scope Screens
Capacity .................................................................. 100 Scope Screens
For viewing screens, see Replay function.
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