UMPIOXR400V2-7-1EN, 2012-07-01
10 Serial Output
10 Serial Output
For each measuring channel PIOX R400 can output max. 15 different values in regular intervals via the interface.
To enable the serial output the output rate and the physical quantities to be output have to be defined in
and the serial output has to be activated in the program branch
10.1 Definition of the Storage Rate and of the Physical Quantities to be Output
Select the program branch
. Press ENTER.
In the first display of the program branch, the output rate will be dis-
played. The output rate is the frequency of the output of a data line.
The rate selected here will be used for all measuring channels.
Select one of the output rates from the scroll list or
to define a
storage rate. Press ENTER.
is selected, enter the storage rate. Press ENTER.
Select the channel for which the serial output has to be configured.
Press ENTER.
This display will not be indicated if the transmitter has only one mea-
suring channel.
The scroll list
is displayed. It contains the actual
configuration of the serial output for the previously selected channel.
Each entry of the list defines a column of the output.
The first character of each entry of the list is the designation of the column. The 15 possible columns of the out-
put are designated by the letters
The designation of the column is followed by the number of the column in the serial output. The 15 possible col-
umns will not be always output by PIOX R400. Only the columns will be output to which a source item has been
Afterward, the type of source item contained in the column is given. The different source item types and source
items are given in Tab. 10.1. If a column was not assigned a source item, the designation of the column is:
-- = >off<
The scroll list contains the following list items:
, all other
columns are empty. Two columns with the previously selected rate will be output. The first output
contains the main measurement, the second one the status bit R1.
To change the content of a column, select this column in the scroll list.
Press ENTER.
Select the source item type to be transmitted to the output.
S p e c i a l F u n c t .
S e t u p s e r i a l o u t
S t o r a g e R a t e
E v e r y s e c o n d
S t o r a g e R a t e
1 s
S e r i a l o u t p u t
f o r C h a n n e l A :
C o l u m n c o n t e n t
a 0 1 = M a i n M e a s u r e
C o l u m n c o n t e n t
a 0 1 = M a i n M e a s u r e
S o u r c e I t e m
M e a s u r e d v a l u e s