881593 MOLEX PLUG MALE 51138-0200
881594 MOLEX RETAINER 51140-0205
881588 STOCKO 9290-02-AB01-000-960 (Mains cord)
881599 STOCKO 9290-02-BA01-000-960 (Defrost Heater)
881600 STOCKO 9290-02-EE01-000-960 (Run Capacitor)
Note that in the part names of these connectors, the -02- refers to it being a 2 way connector, and the -AB01-
(for example) refers to the coding of the connector. Stocko is the manufacturer of these connectors.
881591 STOCKO 9290-04-EF02-000-960 (Compressor cable)
New Edge connector series with internal coding – note the wall.
Note that to minimize the number of spare parts that need to be carried, these coded connectors are to be
replaced with their un-coded equivalents. For the 3, 5 and 6 way connectors used on Stage 4 cabinets, these
have the following part numbers:
873251 STOCKO 7234-003-500-450 (3 way)
881135 STOCKO 7234-005-500-450 (5 way)
873247 STOCKO 7234-006-500-450 (6 way)
Note that in the part names of these connectors, the -003- refers to it being a 3-way connector (for example).
Stocko is the manufacturer of these connectors.