PC / FC Fans
There are two 12 Volt DC electrically commutated motors (ECMs). They provide the required cooling power to
both compartments. The motor speeds are controlled using a pulse width modulating (PWM) technique. The
power / control module controls the on/off of the compressor, and the fans. The speed of the FC fan is set and
the speed of the PC fan is regulated using pulse width modulation.
The freezer compartment fan will always be set at the maximum FC fan speed with the PC fan being adjusted
to meet the requirement of that compartment. Off cycle fans (OCF) operate when the product cycles off, the
PC fan operates at a fan speed of 3 to circulate the air in the PC to ensure food stuff in the crisper doesn’t
When the compressor is turned on, provided the doors are closed, the fans will also be switched on except
immediately following a defrost cycle where there is a delay of 30 seconds after the compressor has started.
PC FAN (Viewed from PC side)
FC FAN (Viewed from front)