Lights (PC & FC)
Two 12 volt, 10 watt halogen lamp are used in the PC and one in the FC. To prevent overheating, the lamp is
turned off after 5 minutes of the door being left open. The power / control module controls this.
NOTE: It is important that the lamp pins are tight in the lamp socket.
Thermistor Temperature Sensors
These sensors are used to monitor temperatures within the refrigerator. There are 3:
Defrost sensor mounted above the evaporator used to measure the temperature when in defrost.
FC sensor mounted on the evaporator coil cover used to measure the temperature in FC.
PC sensor mounted in the PC on the duct cover and used to sense the PC temperature.
Thermistor sensors are used for temperature measurement. Their electrical resistance changes as the
temperature changes. The table below lists some typical resistance values. The temperature can be read on
the display once the diagnostic mode is entered into.