7.15 FAULT
If a fault has occurred relating to the display board, the fault code will show on the display just like
any other fault.
Note: There will be no alarm/beeping if these faults occur.
No display signal received (shorted or broken wire)
No display signal received (shorted or broken wire) clock or data line.
Additional Fault Codes
Solenoid Driver 1&2 (transistor) has failed. Or the solenoid has failed
Solenoid Driver 2 (transistor has failed
Both Solenoid Drivers have failed
Additional fault codes have been added to the display module in order to detect water leaks or
continual flow of water from the dispenser should a fault appear. Previous to these changes the
software only counted water flow when the solenoid was on. The new version of software (V1.067)
now counts water flow when the water valve is on or off.
Fault Code 32, 33 and 34 initial detection.
The first time this fault is detected there are two possible scenarios of how the customer/user will
see it happen.
Possibility 1
1. Dispense water
2. Remove glass/cup
3. Water continues to dispense for 5 seconds
4. Fault is detected
5. Water stops
6. After a certain period of time the display will show the customer/user what the fault code is.
Possibility 2
1. Dispense water
2. Remove glass/cup
3. Water stops
4. Fault is detected 5 seconds after the cup is removed
5. Water stops
6. After a period of time the display will show the user what the fault code is.
If both solenoid drivers fail and/or the water valve fails.
1. Dispense water
2. Remove glass/cup
3. Water continues to dispense until water supply is turned off.
4. Fault is detected
5. After a period of time the display will show what the fault code is.