General Instructions and Regulations
Kapitel/Chapter 1: General Instructions and Regulations - Seite/Page 21
1.5.7 Safety precautions against burns and battery explosions
The generator and its cooling agents and lubricants as well as the fuel can get hot while the
generator is operated. Use caution around hot components such as parts containing exhaust
fumes, radiator, hoses, and engine block during operation and after the generator was shut down.
The cooling system may be pressurised. Open the cooling system only after letting the engine and
the coolant cool down. Wear appropriate protective clothing (e.g. safety goggles, gloves).
Prior to operation, ensure that the cooling system is sealed and that all hose clamps are tightened.
The battery represents an explosion hazard, this applies both to the starter battery and the battery
bank of the AGT generators. While batteries are being charged, a hydrogen-oxygen mixture is
generated, which is highly explosive (electrolytic gas).
Do not use or charge batteries if the fluid level is below the MINIMUM marking. The life span of the
battery is significantly reduced, and the risk of explosion increases. Refill to a fluid level between
maximum and minimum level without delay.
Especially during charging, keep sparks and naked fire away from the batteries. Ensure that the
battery terminals are tightly connected and not corroded to avoid sparking. Use an appropriate
terminal grease.
Check the charge level with an adequate voltmeter or acid siphon. Contact of a metal object
across the terminals will result in short-circuiting, battery damage, and high explosion risk.
Do not charge frozen batteries. Heat the batteries to +16 °C (61 °F) prior to charging.
1.5.8 Protect your hands and body from rotating parts!
Always keep the capsule closed while operating the generator.
To check the V-belt tension, always shut down the generator.
Keep your hands and body away from rotating parts such as V-belt, fans, pulleys, and flywheel.
Contact can cause severe injury.
Do not run the engine without the safety devices in place. Prior to start-up, mount all safety
devices securely and check for proper attachment and function.
1.5.9 Anti-freeze and disposal of fluids
Anti-freeze contains toxic substances. To prevent injury, wear rubber gloves and wash off any anti-
freeze immediately in case of skin contact. Do not mix different anti-freeze agents. The mixture
may cause a chemical reaction generating harmful substances. Use only anti-freeze that was
approved by Fischer Panda.
Protect the environment. Collect drained fluids (lubricants, anti-freeze, fuel), and dispose of them
properly. Observe the local regulations for the respective country. Ensure that no fluids (not even
very small quantities) can drain into the soil, sewers, or bodies of water.