Generator Failure
Kapitel/Chapter 8: Generator Failure - Seite/Page 151
A check of the fuel solenoid valve by removing the plug from the fuel solenoid valve for a short period whilst in ope-
ration (first remove the small retention screw) and replace it immediately. The motor should "react immediately" by
revving high.If the motor does not react sharply to the reconnection of the solenoid wire, it is a sign that the solenoid
valve could be faulty.
Fig. 8.6.1-1: Fuel solonoid
01. Fuel solenoid valve
02. Fuel injector line
03. Ventilation screw
8.6.2 Stop solenoid - optional
There are two different variations:
A. Energized to stop
By pressing the „OFF“-button on the remote control panel the stop solenoid is supplied with voltage and operate,
through this the injection nozzles resets to zero position and the generator stops.
B. Energized to run
This version is equipped with two solenoids an actuating and a stop solenoid. After being fed with current, the actua-
ting solenoid attracts the adjusting lever of the fuel injection pump, through which the fuel can flow. The actuating
solenoid is switched off once the final position has been reached, which is maintained by the stop solenoid for as
long as the generator is running
When starting the "START"-button may not be pressed longer than 5 sec.,
because the stop solenoid pulls too much current over the starter. Otherwise
the stop solenoid must be disconnected.