CiTRANS R820 Edge Router Hardware Description
The following AC/DC power adapter models are used by the CiTRANS R820,
including PTSP000146, PTSP000147, PTSP000151, and PTSP000153. The AC/
DC power adapter model is configured according to the project requirements.
The AC/DC power adapter configured for the CiTRANS R820 converts the AC
power (110 V to 230 V) to the DC power (-48 V).
Two hot-swappable rectifier modules (PSUs) are configured for the system, and the
normal operating voltage range of the PSU is 90 V to 290 V.
A monitoring module (PMU) is configured for the system. This module can manage
the storage batteries and monitor the power supply system. In addition, it provides
the RS232 and RS485 communication interfaces to implement remote monitoring
and unattended service.
The AC/DC power adapter is located at the top of the cabinet. Its appearance and
structure are shown in Figure 3-1.
Version: A