Information displayed on “General
fig. 138
and “Trip B”
fig. 139
screen are the following:
– ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)
– Distance to destination
– Speed limit
– km/miles to empty
– Inst. fuel consumpt.
(instantaneous fuel consumption)
– Trip time (*)
– Distance traveled (*)
– Average speed (*)
– Average fuel consum (*)
Information marked with (*) are re-
settable (refer to paragraph “TRIP: Re-
With “General Trip” screen open,
pressing one of the keypad keys
fig. 1
, on “RESET” will reset data
marked with (*) present on both Gen-
eral Trip and Trip B.
With “Trip B” screen open, pressing
one of the keypad keys
16-fig. 1
, on
“RESET” will reset only data marked
with (*) present on Trip B.
(Estimated Time of Arrival)
This information is present only
when the navigation function is on and
indicates the expected time of arrival
to destination. Time is expressed in
“hh:mm” (hours and minutes).
“Distance to destination”
This information is present only
when the navigation function is on and
indicates the distance between current
position and the destination set. Dis-
tance value is expressed in “km” (kilo-
metres) unless otherwise set by the
user (see paragraph “MY CAR”).
“Speed limit”
This function is used to set car speed
limit; if this is exceeded the driver is
warn by a buzzer and a display warn-
ing message on the instrument panel.
“km/miles to empty”
This shows the distance that the car
can still cover before needing fuel. This
value is the same for both “General
Trip” and “Trip B”. Value is expressed
in “km” (kilometres) unless otherwise
set by the user (see paragraph “TRIP:
fig. 139