If you joint one face flat first,
you will take out the warp,
cup or twist. Now, when you
run it through the planer to get
it the thickness you want, it
will come out still flat.
Don’t worry too much if a
board is flat but not straight. It
is easy to cut the curve out of
one edge and then cut/plane
the other edge to be straight
and parallel to the first and of
the width you want as shown
in the before & after shots
Cutting the drawer
components to the
proper size
Height - Centered
Dovetails Look Best
– Start
with the height
of drawer you
All fixed template half blind
dovetail jigs, including the
Festool VS-600, are inherently
designed around drawers
of a
height that is an even
increment of twice the finger
In the case of the SZ-14
template, the distance between
each finger is exactly 22mm. If
your dovetails are properly
centered on the drawer side,
when you look at the finished
drawer from the side you will
see an 11mm half pin at both
the top and the bottom edges
and all the other dovetails will
be exactly 22mm apart.
Hence, the set of dovetails will
over the height of
the drawer.