is not important so long as the
inside face is away from the
VS-600 and the top edge is
against a side stop.
I am in the habit of first raising
the template all the way up to
get it out of the way. Now I
slide the front piece
horizontally into the upper
clamp on the left side of the
VS-600 with its TOP edge
against the left side stop.
I then place the back piece
horizontally into the upper
clamp on the right side of the
VS-600 with its top edge
against the right side stop.
Clamp those down.
Set the template on top of
these two components snugly
and clamp it in place. Then I
take the router bit depth gauge
(the female component from
the test piece we made when
originally setting up the VS-
600 with this template) and
slide it vertically under the
front clamp and clamp it
Since the template pivots even
when clamped in place, it is
easy to pivot it out of the way
while you line up the end of
the vertical piece to be exactly
flush with the top of the
horizontal piece that will
become the front or back of
your drawer.
Now I place the router on top
of the template and plunge the
cutter to the exact depth of the
test piece. That is all the router
set-up you need to do.
Remove the router bit depth
test piece from the clamp bar
on the front of the VS-600 and
replace it with the two side
components. One will clamp
to the right side of the VS-600
and one will clamp to the left
side. Make sure the INSIDE
face is away from the VS-600
pointing towards you with the
TOP edge against the side
stop. Use a flat piece of scrap
to make sure the ends of these
vertical work pieces are flush
with the top edge of the
horizontal work pieces as
shown in the picture to the left
and clamp them down.
Recheck to make sure
everything is nice and square
and securely clamped in place.
The horizontal work pieces
that will become the front and
back of your drawer should
butt tightly up against the
vertical pieces that will
become the sides of your
The end of the vertical work
pieces (the sides) should be
exactly flush with the upward
face of the horizontal work
pieces (the front/back pieces).
All pieces should have their
INSIDE face away from the
VS-600 and their top edge
aligned with a side stop. Pivot
the template down and into
place. Make the cuts.
Now simply rearrange the
work pieces to cut the other
two corners. As before, the
top and bottom are held under