If the host is not provided with all or any of the Centronics Signal lines listed above
(TK23 specific signals are not required), both-way communication can fails.
For interfacing, is recommended that signal lines use twisted pair cables with the
return sides connected to signal ground level.
Data transmissions shall not ignore the /ACK or BUSY signals. An attempt to
transmit data with either /ACK or BUSY signal ignored, can cause lost data. (Data
transmissions to the printer shall be made after verifying the /ACK signal or while
the BUSY signal is at the low level.)
Interface cables shall have been made with the minimum length required (Max. 2
meters recommended).
Fig. 2.10-
CN6 communications connector as seen from outside of TK23.
NOTE: Connect communications connector before turning the TK23 ON.
Pin 24
Pin 23
Pin 2
Pin 1