Rudder and Lower Hatch
Apply Aeropoxy carefully into the hinge point holes in
the vertical stab trailing edge. Wipe away any excess.
Put a small amount on the hinge points installed in the
rudder and insert into hinge holes. Make sure you
have enough throw for the control horn slot to just
about reach the vertical stab. This will ensure full
rudder throw. Check to make sure you haven’t left
any fingerprints and set aside to dry.
Using a small carbide cutter in a Dremel tool, enlarge
the slot in the rudder for the control horn. It may also
need to be cut a little deeper for the horn to sit down
completely in the control surface. Be extra careful not
to cut through the control surface.
Drill the control horn using a wire size drill just large
enough to allow the link bolt to fit tightly. Paint the
horn white at this time.
Rough up the gluing surface of the horn with coarse
sandpaper. Mask the area around the horn slot with
tape, fill the slot with Aeropoxy and insert the horn.
Make a nice fillet and remove the tape. Let dry.
Mount the servo to wood blocks as shown, using the
aluminum mounts supplied with the kit or aftermarket
carbon fiber pieces as shown in the photo. Sand the
blocks such that they are even with the rear of the
servo, and that the servo sits as low as possible on a
flat surface.
Using a matchmaker or equivalent, find the neutral
point on the servo and attach a long single control arm
to the spindle.