As you did for the rudder servo horn, carefully route
out the mounting slot so the horns sit down fully into
the control surface.
Enlarge the hole in the phenolic control arm horns for
the ball link bolt at this time. Find the wire size drill
that is the tightest fit possible to avoid slop.
Paint the horns if desired.
Rough up the gluing surface on the horns.
Tape around the horn slots in the control surface.
Glue the horns in place using a sufficient amount of
Aeropoxy. Make a nice fillet, and remove the tape.
Insure that the horns are kept in a vertical position as
the glue dries.
When the glue has dried, fit the linkages. The two
shorter linkages are for the Ailerons, the two longer
linkages are for the flaps. To allow for the linkage
cover to fit, the ball link must be attached to the
control surface horn.
Make sure when fitting the linkages that the servo
output arms for both ailerons and both flaps are in
identical positions to avoid uneven movement.
For each servo, mark and cut slots in the servo hatch
cover for the linkage and servo arm.
Cut the aft end off the linkage covers. Position them
on the hatch such that they just clear the ball link
attached to the control surface in their lowest position.
Mark the edges of the linkage cover on the hatch.
Carefully grind away the paint just inside these lines,
to provide a good gluing surface (see photo).
Position the covers into place and lightly CA them to
the hatch only. When dry, remove the covers and
reinforce the joint from the inside with Aeropoxy.
Reinstall hatch covers.