When the aileron servos have been fitted, repeat
steps for the flap servos. You may wish to back up the
flap mounting blocks with scrap balsa blocks to
provide added security for the larger servos.
Add servo extensions to the aileron servos. The wires
will exit the wing at the aft hole just in front of the anti-
rotation pin. You will find it easier to fish the servo
wires through the wing if you attach a string to a large
nut and drop it down through the rib holes. Tape the
servo wire to the string and pull it through the wing.
If using 8611A servos on the flaps, the wires should be
long enough without the use of extensions.
Reinstall the servos into the wing pockets and test
with a receiver or Matchbox to make sure you have
adequate clearance for the servo arms. Trim as