FCAR FD505 Wheel Alignment System User Manual
which the steering wheel is balanced to match the rear wheel direction (thrust line) to
ensure the balance of the steering wheel.
2.11.1 The cause of thrust angle
It is generated with the generation of set-back.
Rear toe asymmetry.
2.11.2 The effect of thrust angle
Tire abrasion
Steering wheel imbalance
The vehicle body is skewed when go straight
Steering wheel skew
2.11.3 The correction method of thrust angle
Original car factory adjuster
Install a wedge gasket between the axle and the tire
Install adjuster behind concave wheel or other things
Four-wheel aligner common problems and solutions
1 The tablet cannot be synchronized with the computer program.
Check if the tablet port is connected to other networks instead of connecting to the aligner
network (the tablet port is connected to the aligner host network to synchronize properly
2. A few wheels prompt target find fewer circles than required
Target surface is dirty
Target installation angle is wrong
Target is blocked