FCAR FD505 Wheel Alignment System User Manual
2.4 Toe
The front toe angle refers to the angle between the vehicle thrust line and the wheel
centerline. The rear toe angle refers to the angle between the centerline of the vehicle and
the centerline of the wheel.
From the front of the car, if the wheel centerline deviates from the thrust or the
vehicle centerline, the toe angle is defined as a negative value (Toe-Out), otherwise it is
defined as a positive value (Toe-In).
2.4.1 Function
Reduce tire abrasion and rolling friction.
2.4.2 Symptom judgment:
Toe-In too large will cause
Rapid wear on the outside
For radial tire, there will be wear patterns similar to those formed by too large
positive camber angle.
Wear forms are serrated or lumpy.
When the hand is stroked from the inside to the outside of the tire, the inner edge of
the tread has a sharp feeling.