FM5000C - FM5000PLUS
Maternal/Fetal Monitor
User Manual Placement of Reformed 12-lead ECG Electrodes
The position of electrode of 12-lead ECG cable after being improved is divided into American standard and
European standard.
White/red (right arm) electrodes - placed under the clavicle, near the right shoulder.
Black/yellow (left arm) electrodes - placed under the clavicle, near the left shoulder.
Green/black (right leg) electrodes – placed at the right lower quadrant.
Red/green (left leg) electrodes - placed in the left lower abdomen.
Figure 15-5Position of electrodes of 12-leadECG cable
The chest electrode placement sites are generally six, taking spatiuminterosseum of costal bone as the
locating basis, V1 ~ V6:
V1/C1: in the fourth intercostal space on the right edge of the sternum
V2/C2: in the fourth intercostal space on the left edge of the sternum
V3/C3: at the midpoint of the C2 and C4
V4/C4: at the intersection of the fifth intercostal space on the left edge of the sternum and the left
mid-clavicular line
V5/C5: at the parallel previous axillary line of C4 level on the left
V6/C6: at the parallel median axillary line of C4 level on the left