FM5000C - FM5000PLUS
Maternal/Fetal Monitor
User Manual
Chapter 8 Alarm
8.1 Alarm Type
The monitor can give an alarm of two types, physiological alarm and technical alarm.
(1) Physiological alarm
Physiological alarm is usually caused by a certain physiological parameter of the patient which exceeds
the set upper/lower limit scope or by the physiological abnormality of the patient. The alarm message
of the physiological alarm will appear in the physiological alarm message area.
(2) Technical alarm
The technical alarm is also referred to as a system error message, indicating the alarm is caused by a
misoperation or system malfunction thereby causing improper operation of a system function or
distortion of monitored results. The alarm message of the technical alarm will appear in the technical
alarm message area.
Prompt message is to display the information relative to the system conditions themselves, which have
nothing to do with the patient’s vital sign.Prompt message will appear in the prompt message area.
8.2 Alarm Level
The monitor can give an alarm in three levels:high, medium and low, based on the severity.
Physiological alarm
Technical alarm
High level
The patient is in a critical
condition, endangering the
patient’s life, emergent attention
Indicate a severe device malfunction or an
improper operation, which could make it possible
that the monitor cannot detect critical patient
status and thus threaten the patient’s life, such as
low battery and so forth.
The patient’s vital signs are
abnormal, relevant measures and
Indicate a device malfunction or an improper
operation, which may not threaten the patient’s
life but may compromise the monitoring of vital
physiological parameters.
Low level
The patient’s vital signs are
abnormal and relevant measures
and treatment may be required.
Indicate a device malfunction or an improper
operation, which may compromise a certain
monitoring function but will not threaten the
patient’s life.
All alarm levels for technical alarms and some physiological alarms have be set before the monitors are
delivered, and the users are not allowed to change them. But the level of some physiological alarms can be