Model 415C & 415SGS Instruction Manual
April 2019, Revision A
Orient and correctly place seal retaining plug and Poly-pak™ onto spring
retaining tool then insert the two into the bottom of the slurry cup plug
using a clockwise motion. Thread the retaining plug all the way down using
gentle force. Do not over-tighten.
Insert the inner mag drive with bearing into the top of the slurry cup plug
using a clockwise threading motion as the shaft of the inner mag drive
moves through Poly-pak™ . This threading motion prevents the Poly-pak™
from rolling on itself and ripping.
Using the paddle assembly insert the paddle connecting rod by threading it
clockwise onto the inner mag drive. Hold onto the inner mag drive to
prevent spinning.
Gently anti-seize the outer threads of the slurry cup plug where the outer
magnetic drive housing threads onto it.
Replace the nut and plug onto the outer mag drive.
Place upper bearing retainer and bearing correctly into the outer mag drive
housing. Orient the mag drive housing so they do not fall out.
Fill the outer mag drive 1/3 full with mineral oil.
Without spilling the mineral oil, thread the outer mag drive onto the slurry
cup plug. Once you have threaded the outer mag drive half way open the
nut one or two turns to allow air bubbles to bleed out. Continue to thread
the outer mag drive housing all the way down until the bottom touches the
slurry cup plug. Be careful that Poly-pak™ does not roll on itself which will
create an improper seal.
Repeat the previous steps if the inner mag drive housing does not thread all
the way down. It is important that the air bubbles be purged.