Model 415C & 415SGS Instruction Manual
April 2019, Revision A
scaled, printed, and exported. The print button will open a dialog box giving the
user the option to select a printer or jpeg file option. The export button gives the
user to option to output a txt file to a destination folder.
6.12.1 Graph Tab
The left y-axis displays Gel (if option is installed on the instrument), Consistency,
Temperature, and Pressure. Each Curve is given a specific scale, color and units.
The x-axis is given in minutes.
Scale Tab
The scale and plot customization tab allows the user to turn on or off the display of
each curve by pressing the green “Visible?” button. The maximum and minimum
scalar may also be edited using the Max and Min boxes. The color of the curve may
also be edited using the Color box. These custom settings are shown.
Data Tab
The data tab displays the test file name and date recorded at the top of the screen.
The data tab also displays all data for each sample point including time
(HH:MM:SS), consistency (Bc), Gel (lb/100ft
) (if option is equipped on the
instrument), Temperature (units optional), and Pressure (units optional). Depending
on the sample time selected the time stamp will be congruent. Data tab shown
Printing Tab
The printing tab allows the user to change specific test data that is outputted to the
test print out. A company logo may be inserted into the print out header by
selecting the logo box. Pixel size must be 192x96 before you insert the picture.
Values for well, district, cement, density, water, etc. may be entered to further
populate the test print out and further provide information to customers. Printing
options are shown.