Manual FältCom ECII SE Eng
Page 28 of 36
7.2.14 Info alarm
A simple info alarm function can be activated by programming:
and deactivated with
When the info alarm function is active, the last sequence alarm receiver is converted to an
info alarm receiver. 60 seconds after an acknowledged alarm FältCom ECII SE will call alarm
receiver 6 and send an operating alarm of type 89 (59h) together with the first alarm code.
Observe that if the main alarm was never acknowledged, no info-alarm will be sent out. Also
this function will not dial out an info-alarm after battery alarms or test alarms.
7.2.15 End-of-alarm
To secure that a trapped passenger is released from the lift there is a function that sends a
end-of-alarm message to an automatic alarm receiver. This can only be done after an alarm
has been sent from the lift phone. To do this programming mode is entered and a special
function is activated. One minute after termination of programming mode the lift phone will
make a speech alarm with the alarm type 28d. The function is activated with the following
programming sequence:
If the alarm receiver prefers another alarm type than 28d it can be replaced with the following
alarm type
where the alarm type can be between 00 and 99.
7.2.16 P100 alarm protocol
In most cases the preprogrammed alarm protocol CPC is enough to send alarms to most
types of alarm receivers. However, it is possible to change to the less usual P100 alarm
protocol with the following sequence:
To return to the CPC protocol the following sequence is programmed:
7.2.17 Dial tone detection
FältCom ECII SE has a function which makes it possible to first wait for dial tone before the
call out sequence starts. Default this function is deactivated but can be activated with:
The function is deactivated with the following programming sequence: