Manual FältCom ECII SE Eng
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7.2.9 Simplified
With this function it is possible to simplify the alarm receiving procedure when using a
standard telephone as an alarm receiver. The function is activated with:
and deactivated with
When the function is active, all numeric buttons (0-9) on the phone will acknowledge the
alarm and the button
disconnect the alarm call. Each time any of the buttons 0-9 is
pressed on the telephone the time until time-disconnect is reset to 180 seconds. The button
has no function at all. There will be no possibility to change to simplex mode.
7.2.10 Disconnection of acknowledgement
It is possible to completely disconnect the acknowledgement function. It means that receiving
phone only have to lift the receiver. Disconnection will be made when the receiving phone
or replaces the receiver. Each time any of the buttons 0-9 is pressed on the
telephone the time until time-disconnect is reset to 180 seconds. The button
has no
function at all. There will be no possibility to change to simplex mode.
The lift phone will only make one attempt and it will only call the first alarm receiver. If
the telephone line is occupied a new alarm must be made after the call has timed out after
about 180 seconds. The function is activated with:
The function is disabled with:
Detection of occupied alarm receiver
It is possible to make the lift phone to call the next programmed telephone number if the first
telephone number is occupied without activating the acknowledgement function. A second
function must be activated which learns the FältCom ECII SE how a correct busy tone sounds
like. Since this differs between countries one has to adapt the programming depending on
country. The function is activated with:
<Country code (1-6)>
Where the country code is changed to any of the following numbers:
1. Sweden, Denmark, Iceland
2. Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Turkey,
Netherlands, Croatia, Israel, Slovenia, Thailand
3. Austria, Finland, Greece, Hungary
4. Great Britain, Ireland
5. Spain
6. Singapore